The rantings and musings on teaching by a Science Teacher. Tales from the trenches from someone balancing the second year of teaching, and a family!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

adventures in 21st century teaching.

We had a bit of an adventure last week. The type of adventure that teaching school and even a few years under the belt can't really prepare you for. Lockdown!

Apparantly there was a bomb threat written on a box which was found in the stairwell outside my classroom. So it was lockdown, a scenario that we'd practiced as grown-ups on a curriculum day but apparantly this was the real deal. The kids handled it like troopers. Lock the door and hope they don't have blasters was all I could think. Actually I thought it was another drill, a factor that perhpas added to my calm demeanor. The whole situation lasted about an hour and then we were back to business as usual.
A false alarm happily of course. The kids took it all in stride, and even today were surprised that they were making such a big deal about it on the news and over the PA.


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