The rantings and musings on teaching by a Science Teacher. Tales from the trenches from someone balancing the second year of teaching, and a family!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Through the fire

Well, we did it. 3 evil weeks of tests, term exams and now we're into what is ironically called 'spring trimester'. Ironic this year because we got nearly a foot of snow on the mid trimester curriculum day and another couple inches look to be coming down tonight.
So I bid adieu to my young charges whom I brought through the wonders of Biology, some of whom had been with me for 2 straight years. It's funny to think that I'm half of the high school science experience of nearly 100 kids at this point, frightening really. But it's nice to have that bond, to really know the kids, what works for them what they like, who they like, how they work.
But now I'm back to the beginning, to a new set. To a new set of 80 faces. None that I have any experience with before short of passing in the hallways. I got through day one today and there's some potential. There are some that need some work, we shall see.
With luck I may see some of these through biology as well and the cycle will continue.
The first application to teach elsewhere is out, the first of who knows how many. The budget still looks grim and it'll be weeks before the person I'm covering for has to give her return notice. Hopefully not too many applications will need to go out.
Will I continue being half of my student's science experience? Stay tuned.

Today's activity: "Prove the RENT song right"


Blogger Lynee Zajac Beck said...

I will be teaching 10th grade bio next year, a stretch for me as I have been firmly planted in middle school physical science for some time. I would love to know more about the activity that you mentioned...proving the RENT song to be true. And, if you are willing, I would really like to see your course policies and procedures. It has been a long time since I have taught high school and I want to be sure that I am coming in fully prepared.

12:27 PM


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