The rantings and musings on teaching by a Science Teacher. Tales from the trenches from someone balancing the second year of teaching, and a family!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Other Duties as Assigned

Ever notice that when it rains it pours?
In one three week period we will have had a department meeting, a faculty meeting, another faculty meeting (they mushed the first into the department meeting time so it was a double whammy), a professional development day, end of term final exam week and MCAS testing!
Oh, and a change of term in all that. ICK!
How am I supposed to: a) wrap up one term, and b) start another
with all this stuff going on! Where's the Me time people!
I suppose I'm stressing because my teaching load goes up from 3 to 4 classes, I go from a comfortable 54 kids (36 of which I've had since september) to close to 80 kids, none of which I know at all! Different grade, different subject, different classroom.
I suppose I should look at it as 13 weeks to go but don't know how easy that will be. I also know that it will be all good in about 3 weeks once we settle into each other.
Still it's a lot of kids to manage.

Top 3 best Science movies for Biology class:
Cane Toads
Hemo the Magnificent
Strange Days on Planet Earth


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